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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Am tired of the recession aren't you!!!

Well its almost a year and talks of recession as been on the web, airways and all other form of media. I believe we need too take a stand and end the recession by putting back faith in the economy and in investing. Buying and selling are one of the key things that drive an economy, if there are no sales a company cannot make a profit nor can it collect revenue on those sales. No revenue, investors get little return on their investments, workers cannot be paid, most likely lose their jobs and cant feed their families. Its a cycle and in order too break the cycle people have too go out and spend, I dont mean too spend lavishly but getting your basic needs and a little more. Yes you must take some belt tighing measures but help the govermnent help you by spending, but cautious spending. I also recommend saving money while you spend on good deals. Such as calling that love one overseas and using the internet and all other form of media. I use this neat service called cognigen. enjoy
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